Let’s face facts, everybody: the internet is amazing. We get so hung up on the cycles within our lives that the time where you could sit down at a scheduled hour to watch the latest episode of your favorite show is long gone. So, where do we go when we are so focused on work and important tasks that we forget to make time for those programs that hold a special place in our hearts? The internet, of course. With streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and many others, we can reserve a special day of the week for society’s newest guilty pleasure: binge watching. The best part about streaming shows is that, when you’re all caught up on what you know and love, you have the option of branching out and exploring other shows that are just as loved. So, let us help you, the avid binge-watcher, discover shows that you may or may not have heard of, but we definitely love.
Orange is the New Black (2013 – ) TV-MA
Up first we have the show that really solidified Netflix as an original content creator. As described by IMDb, the plot of this comedy/crime/drama is summarized as follows: “Convicted of a decade old crime of transporting drug money to an ex-girlfriend, normally law-abiding Piper Chapman is sentenced to a year and a half behind bars to face the reality of how life changing prison can be.”
Orange is the New Black features some of the best character development and storytelling ever thought possible, and before you realize it, you will be on the edge of your seat at the end of every episode.
This show is available to stream on Netflix, and currently has 5 seasons with 13 episodes each that time in at around 59 minutes per episode. It is also renewed for a sixth and seventh season, so if you do get hooked, you’ll be able to keep watching for at least a couple more years. Don’t just take our word for it; get on Netflix and experience this gem for yourself. You won’t be sorry.
BoJack Horseman (2014 – ) TV-MA
Want to spice up your life with something a little strange and out-of-the-box? Then, this is certainly something to check out. Another Netflix original, BoJack Horseman is described on IMDb as follows: “Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the ‘90s – 20 years later. BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show “Horsin’ Around,” but today he’s washed up living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters.”
This animation/ comedy/ drama series is compared to similar mature comedies like Family Guy, Rick and Morty, and Regular Show, in that it deals with a variety of more adult-oriented topics in a humorous way. If you like your shows to have great animation, impressive voice acting, and a hilarious story, then this would be the show for you.
This show is currently available to stream on Netflix, and currently has 4 seasons available with 12 episodes each season, and each episode with a runtime of around 25 minutes. Once you give this show a try, you will be hooked. Don’t believe us? Just ask the many devoted fans that this series has accumulated since the first season went live. They will agree that this is one of the best and most unique shows out there today.
Archer (2009 – ) TV-MA
If you’re a sucker for amazing animation and sarcastic comedy, then you should check out Archer. IMDb describes the show as: “Covert black ops and espionage take a back seat to zany personalities and relationships between secret agents and drones.”
Archer is classified as an animation/ action/ comedy, but the appeal stems much further than those three words. As said before, it is very sarcastic and wacky, almost like a live drama with spies. While there might not be much character development as a whole, the show makes up for it with a wide variety of unique characters and interactions between them and the story. It is the perfect show to lay back and relax in one of Seatcraft’s home theater seats, which are the perfect combination of comfort and style.
There are 8 seasons available, with seasons 9 and 10 already lined up. Each season has around 8-13 episodes, tallying up to a grand total of 98 available episodes to watch. The episodes last around 22 minutes each, so if this is what you choose for a binge-watching marathon, then you can blast through so that the fun never stops. Archer streams on both Netflix and Hulu, so you can choose where you watch to fit your preferences. Have fun getting hooked on what could be your new favorite show!
Game of Thrones (2011 – ) TV-MA
You probably saw this coming; no list about amazing, binge-watchable shows would be complete without one of the most popular TV obsessions today. This incredible adaptation of a series of George R. R. Martin novels is summarized by IMDb as, “Nine noble families fight for control over the mythical lands of Westeros, while a forgotten race returns after being dormant for thousands of years.”
It’s nearly impossible for someone nowadays to not know anything about this adventure/drama/fantasy show; Heck, the memes are everywhere! In case you need a warning before watching, this show revolves around death of any and all kinds of characters, complex relationships that often involve sex, incest, and rape, and also a very complex storyline that you will need to focus on to fully understand. When you do, though, you may find yourself completely invested and longing for the next episode. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
There are currently 7 seasons available on HBOGo, or Hulu and Amazon Prime if you pay separately for HBO, and the eighth and final season is set to air around 2018. There is also a possibility for a spin off! Each season has 7-10 episodes with runtimes of around 57 minutes. You’ll have plenty of episodes to waste many afternoons away with!
Rick and Morty (2013 – ) TV-14
Oh yes, it is time to get schwifty! There is almost no possible way you haven’t heard about this internet craze and ever-growing sensation! If by some odd reason you haven’t seen the memes nor heard the impressions, then IMDb summarizes the show as, “An animated series that follows the exploits of a super scientist and his not-so-bright grandson.”
Even though this show is described as an animation/ adventure/ comedy, there is so much more to it than meets the eye. Alongside telling jokes, it also points out flaws within humanity and how we think the world should exist, showing that something can be deep and existential along with being humorous. It also has bright and beautiful animations that perfectly fit with the tone of the show, so one could say that it is the total package! Plus, you can relax and drink along with Rick with your very own refreshment console, which will hold and cool all your beverages, and store any snacks you desire.
There are 3 seasons available on Hulu, with around 10 episodes each. Each of the 31 total episodes has a runtime of 22 minutes, so the binge-watching marathon won’t be as long as other shows, but you won’t be sorry for catching up on the immensely popular trend that this show has created. If anything, you will have chosen to subject yourself to a hilarious and entertaining afternoon, followed by anticipation for new episodes to be released.
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (2005 – ) TV-MA
It’s always a daunting task to try and catch up on a show that has been around for such a long time. While it may be next to impossible for many shows with long episode runtimes, it’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is not only easier to catch up on, but also more fun to watch. IMDb summarizes this comedy as, “Five friends with big egos and slightly arrogant attitudes are the proprietors of an Irish bar in Philadelphia.”
You may be wondering, what’s so special about this show? Well, avid tv-watcher, not only is this show hilarious, but the shenanigans that the characters get themselves into will both entertain you, and also make you feel better about your own life. They are all quirky yet incompetent adults that will make you cringe with their dialogue and actions, but you can’t help but laugh at how completely ridiculous it all is. If you love laughing at the misfortune of others, then this show is definitely worth a watch.
There are 12 seasons available to watch on both Hulu and Netflix, with around 7-15 episodes per season. That means 153 episodes to binge-watch before season 13 premiers in 2018! Never fear, because the episodes are only 22 minutes each, so you can blast through them before you know it.
American Horror Story (2011 – ) TV-MA
It’s time to break away from the comedies and explore a sensation that resides on the darker side of life. American Horror Story prides itself on being a drama/horror/thriller that explores dark moments in American history and showcasing its plot in extreme, gory detail. IMDb describes this show as, “An anthology series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an asylum, a witch coven, a freak show, a hotel, a farmhouse in Roanoke, and a cult.”
If you like feeling disturbed and intrigued at the same time, then you can express those feelings in what can develop into a guilty pleasure. The best part about this series? You can start watching on any season you want! Each season focuses on a different story and time period than the previous, so you don’t have to worry about the plot becoming drawn out over many years. Be warned: there are many disturbing themes and images throughout this series, but that is what makes it so loved by many people.
There are 6 seasons available on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, and season 7 is currently airing on FX. There are 10-13 episodes per season, each with a runtime of an hour, so it is a nice, long show that you can lose yourself in. Enjoy the horror, everyone.
Doctor Who (2005 – ) TV-PG
The BBC series from the 60s came back with a modern twist in 2005, and since then, it has gotten better and better. You can’t go anywhere without seeing some product based off of the show, especially the infamous TARDIS, so why not find out what all the hype is about? IMDb described this Sci-fi/ adventure/ fantasy show as, “The further adventures of the time travelling alien adventurer known as the Doctor and his/ her companions.”
This is one of the more fascinating shows to be created, and one with the most dedicated fanbase. It shows an alternate reality where aliens exist and many supernatural elements inhabit Earth’s history, giving viewers an entertaining viewpoint of many events through time. It incorporates comedy, drama, and even some horror elements to bring a unique and well-rounded experience for its viewers. It is a show that you can binge-watch with the entire family, especially when you are all cozied up on one of the multimedia sofas available on 4seating.com. You’ll be able to recline, relax, and spend quality time with each other while being able to keep all your snacks within an arm’s distance, so you don’t have to miss a moment of the story!
There are 10 seasons available through Amazon Prime, and season 11 will begin this December. Each season has around 13-15 episodes that last 45 minutes, which means you have a total of 167 episodes you can spend many days obsessing over.
Vikings (2013 – ) TV-14
Now, a little something for you history buffs that may feel a bit unappreciated at this point. As an original series from the History channel, Vikings brings the perfect blend of action, drama, and history for everyone that appreciates good historical fiction. IMDb describes this show as follows: “The world of vikings is brought to life through the journey of Ragnar Lothbrok, the first viking to emerge from Norse legend and onto the pages of history – a man on the edge of myth.”
Norse mythology combined with European and Scandinavian history? Yes, please. This show will surprise you with how well-written and fascinating it is, and each episode will keep you excited all the way through. Some may compare this show to the likes of Game of Thrones, but we believe that Vikings is a unique entity of its own, and should be appreciated for the artistry that it gives to all of us viewers.
There are 4 seasons available to be streamed on both Hulu and Amazon Prime, and season five is scheduled to premier in November, so if you get hooked, you don’t have to wait too long for new episodes! There are around 9-20 episodes per season, each with a runtime of 44 minutes. Not too long nor short, it is the perfect show to keep you on the edge of your seat and will give you a new appreciation for history.
The Walking Dead (2010 – ) TV-MA
Lastly, we have another one of those shows that you hear everyone rant and rave about, but never got around to watching for yourself. Yes, The Walking Dead, the show that revolutionized how the world views the zombie apocalypse, and that many other shows and movies try and fail to one-up. IMDb summarizes the show as follows: “Sheriff Deputy Rick Grimes wakes up from a coma, to learn the world is in ruins, and must leave a group of survivors to stay alive.”
In the same way that Game of Thrones kills off important characters, but possibly not with the same frequency, you will watch beloved characters succumb to the unfortunate victims of the zombie virus, but will still find yourself sticking around to fall in love with new, equally unique characters. This drama/horror/thriller is beloved for its amazing story, great acting, and utterly horrifying creatures known as ‘Walkers.’ This show brings to life a fear that we all have deep down, whether we realize it or not.
There are 7 seasons available to stream on Netflix, with season 8 airing on AMC in October. Each episode has a runtime of 44 minutes, so you’ll have plenty of horrifying zombie action to consume several afternoons.
These are the shows that we, along with thousands of people out there, are obsessed with binge-watching in order to escape from out dull, day-to-day lives. There is nothing better than sitting back and relaxing in your specialized home theater seating provided by 4seating.com, with your favorite snacks and just forgetting the rest of the world as you fall into another, so if you have the itch to discover another show to fall in love with, just remember the ones that we love. Love, and amazing TV shows, are meant to be shared with as many people as possible.